This list is up to date as of the Showtime Expansion Pack. Click here to jump to Hidden Traits, or scroll to the bottom. Simbots' traits can be changed by having them take a shower, which will short them out. The Mid Life Crisis Reward, which costs 20,000 happiness points, or cheating by using testingcheatsenabled true to shift-click the Sim and choose modify traits of active Sim. If you want to change your Sim's traits, you have two options. This guide has been updated over time and supports all Expansion Packs from World Adventures to Into the Future. Please remember some info or numbers may have changed. This Sims 3 Guide was originally written for the PC and Mac versions of the game, but also will help owners of the console versions - PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. The Sims 3 Traits Trait List for Vanilla and All EPs Including Supernatural Related Links